HSU offers our own line of HSU Judo Uniforms, HSU Karate Uniforms, HSU Jujitsu Uniforms, Belts, Training Equipment, and Custom Patches. We also carry Macho Products, and we are an authorized distributor for Adidas Judo Uniforms.


Belt Lengths

Size 0Size 1Size 2Size 3Size 4Size 5Size 6Size 7
79.5" 82" 86.5" 93" 101.5" 113.5" 122.5" 128"

White Belts

000-8 $7

Color Belts

Yellow 0–7 $9.00
Orange 0–7 9.00
Green 0–7 9.00
Purple 0–7 9.00
Red 0–7 9.00
Blue 0–7 9.00
Brown 0–7 9.00

Color Belts With Black Stripe

0–7 $10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00
0–7 10.00

White Belts With Color Stripe

Size 1 only $10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00
Size 1 only 10.00

Duo Color Belts

White/Yellow 0–7 $11
Yellow/Orange 0–7 11
Orange/Green 0–7 11
Green/Blue 0–7 11
Blue/Purple 0–7 11

Camouflage Belts

Size 1 only $8.00

Camouflage Belts With Color Stripe

Size 1 only $10
Size 1 only 10
Size 1 only 10
Size 1 only 10

Duo Color Belts

White/Yellow 0–7 $11
Yellow/Orange 0–7 11
Orange/Green 0–7 11
Green/Blue 0–7 11
Blue/Purple 0–7 11

Black Belts

Standard 1-1/2" 3–7 $9
Deluxe 1-3/4" Cotton 3–7 $17
Deluxe 2" Cotton 3–7 $22
Deluxe 1-3/4" Silk 3–7 $19
Deluxe 2" Silk 3–7 $20

Adidas 1-1/2" Synthetic Silk with "Judo" emproidered in gold Japanese characters

3–7 $23

Master Belts

Red/Black, 2" Cotton 3–7 $36
Red/White, 2" Cotton 3–7 $36

HSU offers our own line of HSU Judo Uniforms, HSU Karate Uniforms, HSU Jujitsu Uniforms, Belts, Training Equipment, and Custom Patches. We also carry Macho Products, and we are an authorized distributor for Adidas Judo Uniforms.